A 15-year-old teenager was shot dead by a Balch Springs police officer and the community is seeking answers as to why the unpleasant incident occurred.
Police did not reveal the victim’s identity, but was identified by the loved ones as Jordan Edwards.
According to the initial reports the boy was in a car, officers found when they received a call about underage drinking.
Balch Springs Police Chief, Jonathan Hader told the reports that after responding to the first call, his officers heard gunshots.
He continued by saying that the victim backed down a road toward officers in an aggressive way. An officer then aimed at the car and fired a shot that hit the teenager.
The victim was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Edwards’ friends said that he was a great athlete and a respectful young man. “Best running back I ever played with, and I’ll never forget him,” said friend and teammate Chris Cano, Jr. “I still can’t believe it. I want to see his smile again.”
Attorney Lee Merritt, who represents the victim’s family, spoke with the other teenagers who were in the car at the time of the incident, and he insists there was nothing dangerous about the way the boy behind the wheel was driving.
“They were simply leaving a party where they believed the danger was,” said Merritt. “So I can’t wrap my mind around why an officer decided to shoot into the car.”
Chief Haber stated that the police department has been receiving several threats.
“Over the last several hours, we’ve received threats through social media towards officers… also towards our community,” said Chief Haber. “We want to encourage everyone to please just be patient.”
Balch Springs Police Department said that they will conduct their own internal investigation, but it is Dallas County Sheriff’s Department that will take the lead in the investigation.
Man shot dead in front of Mother