The finalists for Dallas police chief has been announced on Monday and three internal candidates are among the final eight.
Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax will select the new chief.
"This is probably one of the biggest decisions I’ll have to make as city manager, one of the most important ones," Broadnax said.
The candidates include the following, in alphabetical order:
−Malik Aziz, Deputy Chief, Dallas Police Department
−Carmen Best, Deputy Chief, Seattle Police Department
−Steven Dye, Chief, Grand Prairie Police Department
−U. Renee Hall, Deputy Chief, Detroit Police Department
−Michel Moore, First Assistant Chief, Los Angeles Police Department
−Luther Reynolds, Assistant Chief, Montgomery County, Maryland
−Gary Tittle, Assistant Chief, Dallas Police Department
−Rick Watson, Deputy Chief, Dallas Police Department
Interviews will be conducted over the period of three days in July.
Citizens, community leaders and city officials will participate in the interviews and provide advice before the manager makes the final decision.
A session of meet-and-greet with the candidates is scheduled on July 11 at Dallas City Hall from 6 to 8 PM.
"I think the process hopefully will be beneficial to the applicants. They’ll get a chance to tell their story, to tell why they want to be chief in the city of Dallas. And we’ll get a chance to assess their talents through that process," Broadnax said. "I'm excited about this opportunity."
Dallas Black Police Association leader Thomas Glover said an insider should be selected, and he said Aziz has strong support.
"We can't afford to have someone in office waiting to learn. We need someone on day one who can walk in and do the job," Glover said. "This decision will make or break 3,000-plus officers in their employment decisions."
The finalists will tour police facilities in the city on July 10, with a reception same night for invited community leaders.
On July 11, the finalists will participate in panel interviews with law enforcement officials, faith and neighborhood leaders.
On July 12, the city manager’s staff will interview the candidates, and the steps in the process will be determined after that.
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