Moving Library launched in DallasTop Stories

May 24, 2017 08:59
Moving Library launched in Dallas

Book lovers in Dallas can get excited now as the Dallas Public Library has launched a unique project in the city that provides a moving library.

‘The BookBike’ is a mobile library on a bicycle trailer. A bicycle company in Deep Ellum ‘Hub Bicycle’ raised money for the custom-built the trailer, which is attached to a bicycle and pedaled around the city by Library staff. The trailer can carry about 100 books along with a mobile hotspot and mobile tools like laptops and tablets.

Library Associate Mark Draz said: “We are grateful to the community and Hub Bicycle Company for making this happen.”

“The BookBike is a useful tool to help us get out and talk to people about what the library can help them achieve.”

The mobile library made its first appearance at the Farmers Market on April 1 and it will also appear at the Earth Day celebration at Fair Park and the Dallas Book Festival.

With a friendly wave and a bicycle, it does not take long for librarian Mark Draz to get to work.

“It just makes the library more accessible to people,” said Draz.

In an interview with CBS, Draz showed the Dallas Public Library’s Book Bike.

It was stationed at the downtown library, and takes minutes to hitch up.

“It’s actually surprisingly easy to pedal, especially once you get started. However, you want to be careful going down or uphill,” said Draz.

The Book Bike has traveled to senior centers, festivals and neighborhoods.

Dee De Arevalo said, “I think it’s a great idea. I know sometimes, parents have a hard time taking the kids to a library and this is definitely going to help them out.”

“A lot of the librarians are very passionate about getting out into the community, talking to people, and letting people know about what the library has to offer,” said Draz.

“Sometimes we have books that have been donated to us that we have lots of copies of, and we an just give them out to people,” said Draz.

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