Search Results On sloka (Page 1 of 2)

sloka (Page 1 of 2)

  • bommala koluvu, bommala koluvu, significance of navaratri golu or bommala koluvu, Sloka

    Significance Of Navaratri Golu Or Bommala Koluvu 2015-10-10 10:06:22

    Bommala Koluvu, Navaratri Golu, Bommai Kolu, Bombe Habba, or Bomma Gullu is a doll and figurine display festival celebrated during navaratri festival in Southern India. It is a custom in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala...

    Keywords: bommala koluvu, bommala koluvu, Dussehra, Dussehra

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    Events in Dallas, Sri Venkateswara Vibahavamahotsavam and Srinivasa Kalyanam in Frisco Conference Center, sri venkateswara vibahavamahotsavam and srinivasa kalyanam, Sloka

    Sri Venkateswara Vibahavamahotsavam and Srinivasa Kalyanam 2016-11-08 12:33:09

    Sri Venkateswara Vibahavamahotsavam and Srinivasa Kalyanam: Rituals scheduled to be performed are as follows: SUPRABHATAM: The Archakas will render Stotram, Prapatti, Mangalasasanam which are also a part of Suprabhatam with grace and perfection. Suprabhatam comprises of 70 slokas. THOMALA: Decoration...

    Keywords: Dallas Current Events, TX Event, TX Event, TX Event

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    Nada Mantapa, Nada Mantapa, us children recite 700 gita slokas, Sloka

    US children recite 700 Gita slokas! 2016-12-26 07:20:56

    Fifty-two children, aged 8 to 16 from the United States took part in the 'Sampoorna Bhagavad Gita parayana' and recited 700 slokas of Bhagavad Gita for five hours without any breaks. The parayana was organized by  seer Ganapathy Sachchidananda swami...

    Keywords: Ganapathy Sachchidananda swami, Nada Mantapa, Ganapathy Sachchidananda swami, Sampoorna Bhagavad Gita parayana

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    RSS, Indian Embassy, indian embassies around the world to mark international day of yoga, Sloka

    Indian embassies around the world to mark International Day of Yoga 2017-05-25 12:58:20

    As the International Day of Yoga (IDY) is on 21st June, the Narendra Modi government has launched extensive preparations to mark the third IDY at a much greater scale than previous two years, Particularly in North America, Europe and China....

    Keywords: HSS, RSS, Indian Embassy, RSS

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    Rig Veda, Rig Veda, holy saraswati river sprouts to life after 4 000 years, Sloka

    Holy Saraswati river sprouts to life after 4,000 years 2015-05-09 06:31:24

    The Saraswati River is one of the main rivers mentioned in the Rig Veda and later in Vedic and post-Vedic texts. It plays an important role in Hinduism. The Nadi Stuti hymn in the Rigveda mentions the Saraswati river between...

    Keywords: Upanishads, Saraswati river, Upanishads, Upanishads

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    how to make thoram for varalakshmi vratham, varalaxmi vratham 2019, how to perform varalakshmi puja varalakshmi vratham significance, Sloka

    How to Perform Varalakshmi Puja? Varalakshmi Vratham Significance 2019-08-08 05:50:02

    Varalakshmi Vratham, an auspicious festival dedicated to Goddess Varalakshmi, this year is observed on August 9 (Friday). Varalakshmi Puja is performed by women in the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. It is generally performed by married...

    Keywords: varalakshmi vratham decoration, worshiping Vara Maha Lakshmi, varalakshmi vratham pooja vidhanam in tamil pdf, varalakshmi vratham 2019 usa

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