Sri Venkateswara Vibahavamahotsavam and Srinivasa Kalyanam

Mar 21, Friday

Sri Venkateswara Vibahavamahotsavam and Srinivasa Kalyanam Free Event

Sri Venkateswara Vibahavamahotsavam and Srinivasa Kalyanam
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Event Dates

Saturday, Nov 26, 2016 - Sunday, Nov 27, 2016

Event Time

7:30 AM

Event Location

Frisco Conference Center (Next to Dr Pepper Arena)
7600 John Q. Hammons Drive,
Frisco, TX 75034

Contact Details

(972) 740-5117

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Organized by

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams with Supatham Organization

About this Event

Sri Venkateswara Vibahavamahotsavam and Srinivasa Kalyanam:

Rituals scheduled to be performed are as follows:

SUPRABHATAM: The Archakas will render Stotram, Prapatti, Mangalasasanam which are also a part of Suprabhatam with grace and perfection. Suprabhatam comprises of 70 slokas.

THOMALA: Decoration of Lord with flower garlands amidst chanting of Vedic mantras by temple priests.

KOLUVU: The importance of the day including Nakshatra, Tithi etc. as per Hindu almanac will be read out in front of Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy who was made to sit in a special Asan.

ARCHANA: Archakas render prayers by chanting His 1000 divine names signifying the glory of Lord Venkateswara.

NIVEDANA AND SATTUMORA: Naivedyam in the form of Annaprasadam which is called Nivedana will be offered to Lord Venkateswara. This Nivedana will be rendered thrice a day during morning, afternoon and evening after first bell, second and third respectively.

Sattumora, where the Srivaishnavacharyas render Divya Prabandha Parayanam before main deity.

SARVA DARSHANAM: The devotees will be allowed for Sarva Darshan after the completion of all morning rituals and it continued till evening.

SAHASRA DEEPALANKARA SEVA: In the evening, Lord Sri Malayappa Swamy flanked by His two consorts is made to sit on a swing and Sahasra Deepalankara Seva will be performed

EKANTA SEVA: Sri Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy willbe laid to rest on a bed with the rendition of Annamaiah Jola Pata rendered by the successors of Saint Poet Sri Tallapaka Annamacharya and later Tarigonda Harati was offered to deity marking the closure of the daily rituals.

Srinivasa Kalyanam – The celestial wedding of Lord Venkateswara with His two consorts will be conducted on November 27.

Please watch Srivari Vaibhavotsavam function held in New Delhi

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