Search Results On woman security

woman security

  • Agra, shame, 3 star rating of agra hotel suspended issued a show cause notice, Woman security

    3-Star Rating of Agra Hotel Suspended, issued a show cause notice! 2013-03-20 03:34:45

    A serious punishment is what they deserve... Tourism Minister K Chiranjeevi on Tuesday ordered suspension of the three-star rating of Hotel Agra Mahal while taking serious note of the attempt to sexual assault of a foreign tourist in Agra, where...

    Keywords: women tourists, Tourist molested, women tourists safety., Tourist molested

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    Gujarat police helpline, Gujarat security, help emergency alert rescue terminal acts rapidly, Woman security

    "Help Emergency Alert Rescue Terminal" acts rapidly! 2013-05-22 04:01:51

    Gujarat has experienced 2,577 rape cases at the same time six major cases of gang-rape in the past 10 years for which two people have been sentenced to death as well as 14 been awarded life imprisonment. Now, as an...

    Keywords: Gujarat security, Maharashtra, innovative defensive technology, Gujarat woman security

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