Search Results On us global positioning system (Page 1 of 2)

us global positioning system (Page 1 of 2)

  • Mandyam Srinivasan, Mandyam Srinivasan, indian origin scientist leads team to develop drones that navigate like birds, Us global positioning system

    Indian-origin scientist leads team to develop drones that navigate like birds 2016-07-05 05:22:14

    A team of researchers led by Indian-origin scientist is building biologically-inspired drones which can navigate just like birds and other flying insects. Such drones will be able to fly without any human input, radar or satellite navigation. The group of...

    Keywords: Biologically-inspired drones, Mandyam Srinivasan, Biologically-inspired drones, drones navigate like birds

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    Indian techie, Kuchibhotla, kansas shooting indian techie s killer gets life imprisonment, Us global positioning system

    Kansas Shooting: Indian Techie's Killer Gets Life Imprisonment 2018-08-08 06:46:28

    A man, who killed an Indian engineer Srinivas Kuchibhotla in Kansas shooting earlier this year, has been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.Adam Purinton, the United States Navy veteran had fatally shot Kuchibhotla, who hailed from Hyderabad and injured two...

    Keywords: United States, Shooting, Purinton, Shooting

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    IRNSS-1F, ISRO, indian regional navigation satellite systemto ensure desi gps, Us global positioning system

    Indian Regional Navigation Satellite Systemto ensure Desi GPS 2016-03-10 12:19:44

    Indian Space agency ISRO's sixth navigation satellite IRNSS-1F is launched on board trusted workhorse PSLV C32 on today. The IRNSS-1F or Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) is aimed at providing navigation accurately on par with the US-based Global Positioning...

    Keywords: Desi GPS, ISRO, PSLV C32, ISRO

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    Survey of India to measure height of Mt. Everest, Survey of India to measure height of Mt. Everest, height of mt everest to be measured again, Us global positioning system

    Height of Mt. Everest to be measured again 2017-01-27 13:22:26

    The Survey of India is ready to re-measure the height of Mt. Everest to determine if the world’s tallest mountain got really shrunk following a devastating earthquake in Nepal two years ago. A team of researchers from the Survey of...

    Keywords: Top news, Height of Mt. Everest to be measured again, Science news, Height of Mt. Everest

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    signal, Scientists, scientists develop new system to track robots soldiers without gps, Us global positioning system

    Scientists Develop New System to Track Robots, Soldiers without GPS 2018-10-11 08:43:00

    Scientists, including one the Indian-origin has developed an algorithm that can assist locate robots and humans in the areas where GPS (Global Positioning System) is unavailable.According to scientists at the United States Army Research Laboratory, they need to be able...

    Keywords: Direction of Arrival, environment, Direction of Arrival, signal

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    android, android, qualcomm launches chipsets with isro s navic gps for android smartphones, Us global positioning system

    Qualcomm Launches Chipsets with ISRO’s NavIC GPS for Android Smartphones 2020-01-22 12:50:27

    Qualcomm which is a San Diego- based chip maker is going to use ‘Made In India’ NavIC technology in all the future Androind phones, sooner in the recent times. The NavIC is said to be designed by Indian Space research...

    Keywords: NavIC, GPS, ISRO, GPS

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