Search Results On upper house (Page 1 of 4)

upper house (Page 1 of 4)

  • can nri contest election in india, 2019 lok sabha elections, nris can now cast their vote in 2019 indian general elections, Upper house

    NRIs Can Now Cast Their Vote in 2019 Indian General Elections 2019-01-12 07:54:16

    In a piece of good news for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), you can now be able to vote in the 2019 Indian general elections. Through the official website of the Election Commission of India, an NRI can register as a voter...

    Keywords: proxy voting for nri pib, nri voting rights bill, can nri vote in general election, e voting for nri

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    Shinzo Abe shot, Shinzo Abe new updates, former japan prime minister shinzo abe shot, Upper house

    Former Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Shot 2022-07-08 09:59:36

    Former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe was shot by an unidentified gunman in his chest. Shinzo Abe was addressing a public meeting in Nara in the western part of the country when the incident took place. The doctors told...

    Keywords: Shinzo Abe news, Shinzo Abe new updates, Shinzo Abe shot, Shinzo Abe breaking news

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    marriage act of nri, cabinet nri bill act, union cabinet approves introduction of registration of marriage of nri bill act, Upper house

    Union Cabinet Approves introduction of Registration of Marriage of NRI Bill Act 2019-02-14 05:11:03

    The Union Cabinet on wedenesday, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the introduction of Registration of Marriage of Non-Resident Indian (NRI) Bill, 2019. It was introduced in Upper House on Monday. For creating   more   accountability and offering more...

    Keywords: cabinet nri bill act, registration of marriage, Registration of marriage of nri bill act., piyush goyal on nri marriage act

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    2019, Registration of Marriage of Non-Resident Indian Bill, bill introduced in parliament for nris to register marriage within 30 days, Upper house

    Bill Introduced in Parliament for NRIs to Register Marriage Within 30 Days 2019-02-12 05:08:56

    According to bill introduced in Upper House, Non Resident Indians who marry an Indian citizen or fellow NRI have to register their marriage within 30 days, If they fail to register their passport may be impounded or revoked. The bill...

    Keywords: The Passport Act, nri marriage register 30 days, the Code of Criminal Procedure, nri marriage

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    Muslims, 380-11, controversial indian citizenship bill sparks protests, Upper house

    Controversial Indian Citizenship Bill Sparks Protests 2019-12-12 05:40:31

    While India is referred to as the biggest democracy in the world and one of the most secular countries, a new bill that was passed recently seems to question that status. In the sights of recent events, a new bill...

    Keywords: PM Narendra Modi, Muslims, Indians, 380-11

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    Rajya Sabha, parliament, 8 rajya sabha mp s suspended from upper house here s why, Upper house

    8 Rajya Sabha MP's Suspended from Upper House, Here's Why 2020-09-22 09:41:41

    Derek, Sanjay Singh, Rajeev Satav, Ripun Biren, Elamaram Kareem, K K Ragesh, Syed Nazir Hussain, and Dola Sen were suspended from the Upper House. Citing unruly behavior during the passing of farm bills, eight MPs were suspended on September 20....

    Keywords: Rajya Sabha, Rajya Sabha, opposition, Rajya Sabha

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