Search Results On u s mexico border (Page 1 of 4)

u s mexico border (Page 1 of 4)

  • Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump war, Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump words, kamala harris slams trump s political games on immigration, U s mexico border

    Kamala Harris slams Trump's Political Games on Immigration 2024-09-28 14:25:48

    Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has imposed tougher border security measures to counter repeated political attacks from her Republican rival Donald Trump ahead of the November election. Vice President Harris' comments came Friday during a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border...

    Keywords: Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump war, Kamala Harris news, Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump updates, Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump words

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    punjabi women, punjabis crossing US mexico border, video clip shows punjabi women children crossing border fence into u s, U s mexico border

    Video Clip Shows Punjabi Women, Children Crossing Border Fence into U.S. 2019-07-22 11:40:11

    Two video clips of Punjabi men and women crossing a border fence, possibly from Mexico into the United States, along with their children, showed up almost a month and a half after a six-year-old Gurupreet Kaur, from a village in...

    Keywords: punjabis crossing mexico border, punjabi women, punjabis Crossing Border Fence, entering US via mexico

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    Donald Trump Executive Orders breaking, Donald Trump Executive Orders, list of executive orders signed by donald trump, U s mexico border

    List Of Executive Orders Signed By Donald Trump 2025-01-21 15:20:45

    Today, shortly after taking office as the 47th President of the United States, Donald Trump signed a record number of executive orders, including withdrawing the country from the World Health Organization. The executive orders cover a wide range of topics,...

    Keywords: Donald Trump Executive Orders latest breaking, Donald Trump Executive Orders latest, Donald Trump Executive Orders, Donald Trump

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    US mexico border crisis, US senate, u s senate passes usd 4 6 billion emergency aid bill to address u s mexico border crisis, U s mexico border

    U.S. Senate Passes USD 4.6 Billion Emergency Aid Bill to Address U.S.-Mexico Border Crisis 2019-06-27 10:25:14

    The United States Senate on Wednesday passed an emergency funding bill worth USD 4.6 billion in a bid to address the migrant crisis at its southern border with Mexico. The bill would provide President Donald Trump with an upper hand...

    Keywords: Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Rio Grande, US senate

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    El Salvador, US mexico border, shocking photo of drowned father and daughter highlights perils facing by many migrants, U s mexico border

    Shocking Photo of Drowned Father and Daughter Highlights Perils Facing by Many Migrants 2019-06-26 08:35:47

    Days after the death of a 6-year-old migrant girl from India in Arizona desert, the bodies of the man and his 23-month-old daughter lying face down in shallow water along the bank of Rio Grande was found on Monday. The...

    Keywords: El Salvador, mexico, El Salvador family, El Salvador family

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    texas immigration inmate search, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweets about migrants, migrants are made to drink out of toilets at texas borders ocasio cortez reveals abuse, U s mexico border

    ‘Migrants Are Made to Drink out of Toilets at Texas Borders’: Ocasio Cortez Reveals Abuse 2019-07-02 20:31:51

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the first-term Democratic Congresswoman took to Twitter and wrote about the ordeals the migrants entering the United States are going through after visiting the facility with other U.S. lawmakers on Monday. In a tweet, she wrote that...

    Keywords: texas borders, immigration in texas 2018, Ocasio Cortez, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweets about migrants

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