Rajnath Singh Launched Emergency Response Support System 2019-02-19 08:46:41
Home Minister Rajnath Singh today launched various initiatives for safety of women citizen safety in New Delhi. This includes the Emergency Response Support System, ERSS, for women's safety in 16 states and Union territories. The ERSS is a pan-India single...
Keywords: 112 pan india number, 112 pan india number, women safety 112 number, home minister 112 erss
Read More‘Bhavani’-self- defense tool for woman 2015-03-09 08:58:31
‘Bhavani’, a device which looks like a baton and can be easily carried in a handbag will act as protective shield for woman against a suspicious person. This portable self –defense device which is all set to hit the market...
Keywords: Nirbhaya gangrape case, Nirbhaya gangrape case, a device for self defense against suspicious, Nirbhaya’s parent
Read MoreBudget 2015, A Modern Budget with Un-diagnosable benefits 2015-02-28 09:30:39
The Modi government repeated its way of long-term and sustainable approach with no short-term reliefs like new tax slabs and urgent policies. The results of the budget can be seen after several years. It has paved way for universal social...
Keywords: tourism in Budget, Health sector, defence sector, Health sector
Read MoreShame On India - BBC Aired "India's daughter" 2015-03-05 04:49:07
The documentary “India's daughter” broadcast was advanced by the BBC from its original schedule as the protests in India are heightening up. BBC initially planned to air the documentary on March 8 – coinciding with International Women's Day. The interview...
Keywords: Leslee Udwin, Delhi Rape Convict Mukesh Singh, Leslee Udwin, Leslee Udwin
Read MoreShame on India- for banning the “India’s Daughter“ documentary 2015-03-06 09:07:44
We live in a 21st century India where it is said ‘Men and Women are equal’, but in the real scenario it is something else. The statement is just for placards, but we still see news where daughters are killed...
Keywords: India daughter, India daughter, India daughter, status of woman
Read MoreEverything you need to know about Hathras Gang Rape 2020-09-30 15:25:39
A 19-year-old girl was gang raped by four men while she went on a trip to the fields with her family. In what comes as another Nirbhaya incident in India, a 19-year old girl was raped by four men in...
Keywords: gang rape, UP, rapists, rapists
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