Search Results On islamist militants

islamist militants

  • jaba village residents, 2019 Balakot airstrike, india s air strike was a failure assert residents of jaba village where india said it executed bombing, Islamist militants

    ‘India’s Air Strike Was a Failure’, Assert Residents of Jaba Village Where India Said It executed Bombing 2019-03-02 04:59:46

    The only confirmed victim of India’s air strike against Pakistan that rocked his mud-brick house and left him with a cut above his right eye is still sceptical whether the air strike in fact claimed lives of untold number of...

    Keywords: jaba village residents, Residents of Jaba Village, Residents of Jaba Village, 2019 Balakot airstrike

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    Pakistani Militant Arrested, Omar Sheikh, suspect in daniel pearl murder arrested in pakistan, Islamist militants

    Suspect in Daniel Pearl murder arrested in Pakistan... 2013-03-20 05:31:20

    -Late:Daniel Pearl According to security officials who said on Monday that Pakistan has arrested a former militant leader in connection with the 2002 murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. To get into detail... Moreover, the officials said that...

    Keywords: Pakistani Militant Arrested, illegal kidnapping, Islamist militant group, United States.

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