Search Results On indian commanding officer

indian commanding officer

  • Indian junior commanding officer shot dead, Pakistani militants shot dead Indian army, pakistani militants shot dead indian army officer, Indian commanding officer

    Pakistani militants shot dead Indian army officer! 2013-06-08 09:55:19

    An Indian army officer informed that Pakistani militants shot dead an Indian junior commanding officer on Friday near Poonch sector of the countries' bickering border in the Himalayan region of Kashmir.  The firing known to have taken place succeeding to...

    Keywords: Kashmir, Kashmir, Kashmir, Nawaz Sharif

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    Himalayan region, India- Pakistan relations, pakistani militants kills indian army officer, Indian commanding officer

    Pakistani militants kills Indian army officer! 2013-06-08 09:32:11

    An Indian army officer informed that Pakistani militants shot dead an Indian junior commanding officer on Friday near Poonch sector of the countries' bickering border in the Himalayan region of Kashmir.  The firing known to have taken place succeeding to...

    Keywords: Himalayan region, Pakistani militants shot dead Indian army, Kashmir, national news headline

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