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  • Governor, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott, india ties critical for growth of texas says governor abbott, Iaccgh

    India Ties Critical for Growth of Texas, Says Governor Abbott 2018-08-13 17:07:14

    Texas Governor Gregg Abbott pitched for stronger ties between India and Texas in key sectors such as energy, technology, and agriculture saying it is critical for building a bright future. Governor Abbott said that Texas and India positioning economically will be an...

    Keywords: Texas Governor Gregg Abbott, India, Indo-American Chamber of Greater Houston, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott

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    overseas friends of BJP, Modi supporters abroad, narendra modi supporters across united states organize victory parties, Iaccgh

    Narendra Modi Supporters Across United States Organize Victory Parties 2019-05-29 09:36:36

    Indian American supporters of Bharatiya Janata Party and several other organizations held victory parties across the United States to celebrated Prime Minister Narendra Modi's re-election in the general elections and expressed hope that it will further enhance ties between the...

    Keywords: narendra modi, Indian americans, narendra modi supporters in US, Indian americans

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