Search Results On hunger strike (Page 1 of 3)

hunger strike (Page 1 of 3)

  • Indian American groups, department of homeland security, u s immigration authorities force feed detainees from india cuba, Hunger strike

    U.S. Immigration Authorities Force-Feed Detainees from India, Cuba 2019-02-01 12:29:09

    About six immigrant detainees, including Indians, who were on hunger strike have been fed forcefully through nasal tubes by the United States immigration authorities The hunger strike was in protest to the conditions at a processing center in Texas. The...

    Keywords: detainees from India, immigration authorities, immigration office near me, immigration office near me

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    Bhagat Singh, Gandhi, sukhdev thapar indian revolutionary freedom fighter, Hunger strike

    Sukhdev Thapar, Indian revolutionary freedom fighter 2015-05-15 12:33:25

    Today the 15th May 2015 is the 108th Birth Anniversary of the Indian Freedom fighter and Shaheed Sukhdev Thaper, who has braved the gallows along with Sgaheed Bhagat Singh and Shivaram Rajguru Sukhdev Thapar is an Indian revolutionary who was...

    Keywords: Sukhdev, Freedom fighter, India, Bhagat Singh

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    Indian immigrants, Indian asylum seekers on hunger strike, 3 indian asylum seekers on hunger strike at texas detention center forced to hydrate, Hunger strike

    3 Indian Asylum Seekers, on Hunger Strike at Texas Detention Center, Forced to Hydrate 2019-07-29 06:52:54

    Three Indian nationals seeking asylum in the United States, who have been on hunger strike for three weeks, were forced to receive IV drips (Intravenous drips) at a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Texas. All three have been...

    Keywords: texas detention center, texas detention center, Indian immigrants, hunger strike at texas detention center

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    rajan tandon, Chandrika Tandon wins Horatio Alger Award, indian origin musician chandrika tandon wins prestigious award, Hunger strike

    Indian-Origin Musician Chandrika Tandon Wins Prestigious Award 2018-12-26 04:58:04

    An Indian-origin banker and musician Chandrika Tandon, also a Grammy-nominated artist, has become the winner of the prestigious Horatio Alger Award. Born in Chennai, Tandon, fought her way through to not only turn out to be a distinguished businesswoman in...

    Keywords: American citizens, raj k. nooyi, libra advisors, American citizens

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    junk food, midnight, say no to midnight munching, Hunger strike

    Say no to midnight munching 2013-08-12 09:48:35

    Do you find yourself snacking incessantly on delicious junks at the wee hours of the night? If yes, then beware, for you run the risk of gaining unwanted weight. A study by the University of Pennsylvania has revealed that people...

    Keywords: comfort food, Mickey Mehra, Say no to midnight munching, midnight

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    Bharatiya Janta Party, Indian asylum seeker ajay kumar, indian asylum seeker released by u s after 70 day hunger strike, Hunger strike

    Indian Asylum Seeker Released by U.S. After 70-Day Hunger Strike 2019-09-27 10:33:01

    The 33-year-old Indian immigrant who was on a 70-day hunger strike over the rejection of his asylum claim and lost third of his weight in the course won temporary release Thursday after a year in the United States detention.  ...

    Keywords: Indian asylum seeker ajay kumar, ajay kumar hunger strike, Indian asylum seeker ajay kumar, Indian asylum seeker

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