Search Results On hooghly


  • West Midnapore, Trinamool Congress victory, mamata sweeps bengal panchayat polls, Hooghly

    Mamata sweeps Bengal Panchayat polls 2013-07-30 07:54:32

    Trinamool Congress,West Bengal's ruling, experienced boisterous manner towards a massive victory in the rural polls, regarded as a curtain raiser to the next general elections as well as the biggest test of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's popularity since she approached...

    Keywords: gram panchayats., Victory of Maa Maati Manush in Bengal, North 24 Parganas, Victory of Maa Maati Manush in Bengal

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    Trinamool Congress victory, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, victory of maa maati manush in bengal, Hooghly

    Victory of Maa Maati Manush in Bengal 2013-07-30 05:59:11

    The phrase in Bengali 'Maa Maati Manush' meaning (Mother, Land and People) Trinamool Congress,West Bengal's ruling, experienced boisterous manner towards a massive victory in the rural polls, regarded as a curtain raiser to the next general elections as well as...

    Keywords: West Bengal Panchayat elections, Hooghly, Bankura, North 24 Parganas

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    Human Development Reports, focus on gender and inclusion issues, udupi finds place in first ever india human development awards, Hooghly

    Udupi finds place in first-ever India Human Development awards 2012-03-16 07:07:47

    India has pioneered the practice of preparing independent sub-national human development reports (HDRs) that translate the human development approach to practical and actionable strategies at state and district levels, inspired by the concept first introduced by UNDP in 1990 through...

    Keywords: District Human Development Reports (DHDRs), quality of analysis, focus on innovation in measurement, participatory processes of preparation

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