Search Results On esl narasimhan

esl narasimhan

  • Gopala Krishnan Pillai, GK Pillai, gk pillai to replace narasimhan, Esl narasimhan

    GK Pillai to replace Narasimhan? 2012-03-27 11:12:48

    Former Union Home Secretary Mr G. K. Pillai is likely to replace ESL Narasimhan as Governor of Andhra Pradesh, according to reports. Narasimhan, who has retired in January, is continuing as Governor pending selection of his successor. If you remember...

    Keywords: GK Pillai, Pillai to replace Narasimhan, new Governor of AP, Gopala Krishnan Pillai

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    ESL Narasimhan, Vice Chancellors, governor appoints 4 new vcs, Esl narasimhan

    Governor appoints 4 new VCs 2012-04-19 10:41:56

    In a  major development, the Andhra Pradesh Governor ESL Narasimhan has appointed  four vice chancellor for different universities in the state.  This came as a good news to all those who were waiting for the coveted posts. While the file...

    Keywords: ESL Narasimhan, ESL Narasimhan, Vice Chancellors, VC

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    Puttaparthy Saibaba, Puttaparthy Saibaba, esl narasimhan at sri sathya sai aradhana mahotsavam, Esl narasimhan

    ESL Narasimhan at Sri Sathya Sai Aradhana Mahotsavam 2012-04-24 04:27:46

    The Andhra Pradesh Governor ESL Narasimhan has arrived at Puttaparthy today to take part in three-day programme- Sri Sathya Sai Aradhana Mahotsavam- commemorating the first death anniversary of Sathya Saibaba of Puttaparthy today. While the programme has begun Monday, ESL...

    Keywords: Puttaparthy Saibaba, Saibaba of Shirdi, Puttaparthy Saibaba, Puttaparthy Saibaba

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    Congress, Telangana issue, governor cm sending wrong reports on t mp vivek, Esl narasimhan

    Governor&CM sending wrong reports on T: MP Vivek 2012-04-18 13:58:12

    The Congress MP from Telangana region, Vivek has said that the Telangana Congress MPs would elucidate Vayalar Ravi the actual situation of the people in this region. He has expressed his anguish against the Governor ESL Narasimhan and the chief...

    Keywords: Telangana issue, high command, high command, Telangana issue

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    telangana issue, andhra pradesh state chalo assembly party, high level discussion on telangana, Esl narasimhan

    High Level Discussion on Telangana 2013-06-19 07:12:30

    The Governor of AP ESL Narasimhan’s visit to Delhi for a prolonged stay with a series of discussions with the Congress leaders on the issue of Telangna shows that the Center now is feeling the pressure of Telangana issue.  A...

    Keywords: telangana joing action committee, decision on telangana, high command, separate telangana state

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    political turmoil in Andhra Pradesh, UPA Government, narasimhan to continue as ap governor, Esl narasimhan

    Narasimhan to continue as AP Governor? 2012-04-10 09:52:19

    The Delhi sources said that the Centre has decided to continue ESL Narasimhan as the Governor of the state for the consecutive second time.  It may be noted that the Centre was reportedly impressed with role of ESL Narasimhan during...

    Keywords: political turmoil in Andhra Pradesh, political turmoil in Andhra Pradesh, E S L Narasimhan, demand for separate statehood

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