Search Results On dowry deaths

dowry deaths

  • domestic violence, lure woman, why no party ensures women safety, Dowry deaths

    Why no party ensures women safety? 2012-04-14 12:58:45

    With bypolls round the corner, every political party is coming out with new set of promises, ideas and schemes for the welfare of the public. Some talk of the region, a few focus on loans to lure women and some...

    Keywords: offences against women, dowry, Election campaign, lure woman

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    Dowry deaths in United States, Dowry Harassment in US, telangana woman found dead in her home in tennessee kin alleges dowry harassment, Dowry deaths

    Telangana Woman Found Dead in Her Home in Tennessee, Kin Alleges Dowry Harassment 2019-04-08 04:47:45

    A woman hailing from Telangana's Mahbubabad district and moved to Memphis in Tennessee, with her husband around nine months ago has been found dead in the bathroom on Saturday. The death of a woman has triggered off a row as...

    Keywords: dowry death ipc, dowry death pdf, dowry deaths in india 2017, Dowry deaths in United States

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    Dowry Deaths In India, Dowry Deaths, one bride torched in india every hour, Dowry deaths

    One bride torched in India every hour 2013-09-02 06:23:27

    Dowry deaths have become so rampant in India that we have stopped paying any attention to it, unless it's our daughter, sister, niece or friend who is torched down by greedy in-laws. But are you aware that every hour a...

    Keywords: Dowry Deaths In India, Dowry Deaths In India, Domestic Violence, One bride torched in India every hour

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