Search Results On delhi fast track court

delhi fast track court

  • Nirbhaya's death, Judge Yogesh Khanna., will delhi judge avenge nirbhaya today, Delhi fast track court

    Will Delhi judge avenge Nirbhaya today? 2013-09-13 05:50:04

    Nirbhaya may be dead, but the shock of what she has gone through is still fresh in everyones minds. The fate of four men, found guilty of gang-rape and murder, will be decided today by a Delhi fast track court....

    Keywords: Nirbhaya, Delhi fast track court, Judge Yogesh Khanna., Will Delhi judge avenge Nirbhaya today

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    Delhi rapists sentenced to death, Delhi rapists sentenced to death, nirbhaya s rapists sentenced to die, Delhi fast track court

    Nirbhaya's rapists sentenced to die 2013-09-13 12:04:24

    They raped, tortured, looted and left the girl naked on the streets. The physiotherapy student passed away later. Today, the murderers have been given a death sentence by the Delhi fast track court under the 'rarest of rare' category, avenging...

    Keywords: Delhi fast track court, Delhi rapists convicted, Nirbhaya case, Verdict on delhi rape accused

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