Railway Minister Piyush Goyal Launches Rail Drishti Dashboard Portal
February 25, 2019 11:56
(Image source from: livemint.com)
Union Minister Piyush Goyal has launched Rail Drishti dashboard, encompassing all the digitisation efforts in Indian Railways and promoting transparency and accountability. The website is raildrishti.cris.org.in.
It brings information from various sources on a single platform and gives access to key statistics and parameters to every citizen of the country. This dashboard can be accessed using a desktop/laptop or a mobile device such as a phone or tablet. The application is mobile optimized for ease of use of public.
Speaking on the occasion, Piyush Goyal said that under the leadership of PM Modi, this Government has focused on people of India and has become a Government accountable to every farmer, youth, poor, middle class and all those who have relations of any kind with this government.
He said, “This is the first Government in the history of India that showcased its report card to public every year.”
He further said that this government has used media and digital platforms for imparting all the information. This government has also tried to bring transparency in the working of all the Ministries.
Railway Minister quoted Gandhiji “I understand democracy as something that gives the weaker the same chance as the strong” and said that to make people of India aware of the projects going-on in Railways, Rail Drishti Dashboard has been launched today.
The customer or railway passenger will get an exposure through this website to the multifaceted transformation underway in Indian Railways across the country. The portal will also help make available every kind of information anytime, anywhere to anybody.
The information, when it reaches to the weakest section of the society, develops their morale and instills confidence in them that the country is progressing and is on the move. The Minister also advised to make Rail Drishti site simpler, user-friendly and easy to navigate.
-Sai Kumar