Scripps National Spelling Bee Champs Feted with Free Chicken for a Year
June 12, 2018 12:13
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The 2018 Scripps National Spelling Bee champions, an Indian-origin Karthik Nemmani, from McKinney, Naysa Modi of Frisco, and Abhijay Kodali of Flower Mound has received free chicken for a year from Golden Chick.
Golden Chick is one of the sponsors of the Dallas Regional Spelling Bee.
President and Chief Executive Officer of Golden Chick, made the presentation at the Golden Chick in Dallas Monday morning. He congratulated the spellers and jested how he would never make it far in the bee.
Kara Kirkby of the Dallas Sports Commission that hosted the Regional Dallas Bee at Bush Center said, "We've already talked to Scripps to send us more words for next year," since the bee ran out of the world at the Dallas competition.
Naysa, now going into eighth grade, said she knew the word she missed - bewusstseinslage. "I mixed up where the double s's went," she said.
Abhijay, who is a sixth-grader and Naysa, hope to be back at the championship succeeding year.
Nemmani said, "It was funny how the words were pronounced," he said referring to how Kimmel's sidekick, Guillermo Rodriguez, badly pronounced the words. Yet he still got two out of three correct, while Kimmel got none.
By Sowmya Sangam