An absolute shock!
A 31-year-old British woman who jumped off a hotel balcony in Agra to escape alleged sexual violent attack has pledged to return to India to give evidence against her attackers while she said she will “never” travel alone again.
To move forward...
Jessica Davies, a dental hygienist from Greenwich was speaking of her experience for the first time since her return to Britain after she cut-short her back-packing tour of Asia.
Davies said that she will go back if she have to in order to give evidence, who suffered leg injuries while jumping out of a second-floor hotel room’s balcony in Agra last week while she stressed that she is never going to travel alone again while she added that she wanted to talk about her experience “because the shame of sexual assault makes many people too scared to speak out.
That's disgusting...
She expressed the unfavorable behaviour of fellow hotel residents as “disgusting”, as no one came to help her despite the fact that she was screaming for help for over an hour.
Moreover, the manager of the hotel, Sachin Chauhan, and a guard from the hotel Agra Mahal appeared in court last week to face charges of sexual harassment. Nevertheless, the duo claimed that they had knocked on Davies’ door for a wake-up call.
In fact, she refused reports that she had asked for a wake-up call, saying she had set her phone alarm for 4.30am to catch a taxi for an early train to Jaipur.
Caution is a must...
Davies who was still in her pyjamas, said that she had opened the door to find the hotel manager asking if she wanted to take a shower and offering a massage while he was showing her the oil he had. The she held her key in the lock and she could feel them turning it from the other side, she added, adding that she used furniture to barricade her hotel room door the men.
Fact-fully, by hook or by crook this person or persons were going to get into her room and that she was 100 percent certain and it seems there was only one way out, to jump two floors,she said who was half-way through a six-week trip, intending to go on to China.
The young woman insisted that she had been “exercising a lot of caution and wearing appropriate clothes” after hearing about some recent cases of attacks on women.
Moreover, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) issued updated travel advice for women travellers to India after the incident, calling on them to exercise caution when travelling in India even if they are travelling in a group.
As a concluding fact, the incident came just days after a 39-year-old Swiss tourist was gangraped in a forest in Madhya Pradesh while her husband was beaten up.
(AW: Samrat Biswas)