(Image source from: Internet Lowering the Sex meets})
Many think that internet helping the young couples to have sex with different paces and varieties. But, the love on internet making the couples to go away from bed and spend the time with electronic gadgets like PC, mobile, and tablets to check mails and others!
This has been revealed by the Cambridge University Professor David Spiegelhalter. He spoke on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour and given the statistics that the British heterosexual couples used to meet on bed 5 times in a month in 1990, and it came to 3 times in 2000, while the shocking news is that the couples are meeting just 3 times on an average because of the spoiler (internet).
‘We used to have a very big separation between our public lives and our private lives,’ he said, ‘Now they are so mixed up and integrated. People are checking their emails all the time. You do not have this same sort of quiet empty time that there used to be.’
His new book titled “Sex by Numbers” also includes the data on the average numbers of sex partners in British men and women. In that it mentioned that men claim to have 14 partners and women just shown 7 as count. However, Professor Spiegelhalter says that ‘there is a suggestion’ that men might ‘make a vague stab upwards’ while women might ‘make a vague stab downwards.’
The situation in Britain is an alarming indicator in continuing the natural meets. The internet cannot be blamed alone, as it is feeding many. But we can attribute the reasons to lifestyle, job profiles, stress, family relations, and health of the partners. It is suggested to all the readers to keep the artificial and manmade gadgets to put aside for having pleasure and love frequently. Limit your work at office, and spend the valuable time with family.