(Image source from: littlerock.com)
Restaurants are being re-designed to ensure safety for the customers. Here’s how restaurants will look like post COVID-19.
The fear of coronavirus is here to stay among people. With the number of cases increasing, getting back to normalcy is far from reachable. Businesses are striving hard to get back on track of which restaurant business is the one which has suffered huge loss.
With only home deliveries doing rounds, restaurant dining has been shut since months after the outbreak of the pandemic. While many businesses are on the brink of reopening, restaurants are also seeing a ray of hope with visitors coming to dine in many states.
To ensure safety and guarantee to customers, restaurant owners are changing the outlook and functioning of the restaurants as a preventive measure to contain the spread of the virus and to ensure quality food experience to the customers. Take a look at the number of changes you will see once to step out to dine at a restaurant.
Temperature Checks & Gap between the tables
(Image source from: insider.com)
To limit interactions and to ensure social distancing, several restaurants across the world have come up with ‘alternate-table’ scheme where a table in between would be closed. Also, temperature checks for staff and customers are made mandatory. This will continue in the future.
Digital Menu & self servicing
(Image source from: voolsyscreen.com)
A new alternative to the menu card would be the ‘electronic tablet’ through which customers can order their menu. Separate electronic tablets would be provided to the guests and this will be a new norm at the restaurants forever.
To provide contact-less dining experience to customers, many restaurant chains have decided to move with self service option where food will be placed on the table and the customers would serve themselves.
Frequent Sanitization of the furniture
(Image source from: cdn.com)
Restaurants and cafes founders after having a discussion with the food safety and standards authorities have come up with safe chemicals to remove impurities from the furniture and air. Frequent sanitisation would be done after the guests enter the table and leave. Regardless of the usage of tables, every table would be cleaned and sanitised every 2 hours to ensure hygiene.
Pedal Sanitizing Stations
(Image source from: prnewswire.com)
Entry of every restaurant or cafe or even local hotels will have a hand sanitizer dispenser for customers to sanitize themselves before they enter the dining.
The restaurant owners predict that the fear among people when they come out for a restaurant or any closed space would be there for long and it is the responsibility of the staff and restaurant owners to ensure that customers are in a safe environment.
By Gayatri Yellayi