(Image source from: news.yahoo.com)
The remains of a young girl who is aged 17-18 years and died about 7200 years are traced by a team of researchers. The remains are found in a cave in Sulawesi and the person belonged to the Toalean culture which is a hunters group that disappeared 1500 years from now. The findings and the research was published in the journal Nature. This research provided the insight into the geographical movements of the early humans. Dr. Adam Brumm, a professor of archaeology at Australia's Griffith University headed the research. The research also said that the culture of Toaleans is enigmatic for archeologists. The Toaleans lived on the southwestern peninsula of Sulawesi.
Sulawesi happened to be a part of the Wallacea region which is from the collection of islands from Indonesia and they were used by the first modern humans on earth. They are the stepping stones between Oceania and Eurasia 50,000 years ago as per the scientists and several researchers. The Toalean culture left the tools and arrowheads. The researchers found that the remains were 7200 years ago through DNA and the process was painstaking. The research also said that the teenager had ancestors from modern-day Papua New Guineans and Indigenous Australians. They arrived in Wallacea 50,000 years ago.
The researchers also concluded that the Asians entered Wallacea around 3500 years ago. The DNA of the youngster did not fit with any other known population.
By Siva Kumar