When the unexpected occurs, the animal instincts in you are awoken. When the need arises you transform into a beast to deal with the pressing situations. Laine Henry, a man from Iowa, has experienced this first hand.
He bit a dog in the US in one shocking tale of rescuing his wife from the vicious attacts of the lab mix dog. Laine was forced to make this desperate attempt when his wife in rural Madrid was walking her own dog Kandy. She was at her father-in-law's place at the time of attack.
While walking Kandy, she noticed something approaching her directly and before she couls react appropriately, the big dog, that was 50-60 pounds according to her attacked her.
Thanks to her sunglasses, the woman still has her eyesight intact and her nose in shape. The dog took her down and then went after Kandy. Laine who was driving noticed the trouble and immediately rushed to help when he noticed her wife's face smeared with blood.
He bit the dog on the muzzle until it let go of his wife. And when it did, he rescued his dog and his wife and took off in the vehicle.
The couple were treated at the Des Moines' Mercy Medical Center. Lain also suffered a bite on his arm. Caren, his wife, was bitten on the thigh and the abdomen. Her noise will require several reconstructive surgeries.
"It could have been a lot worse, he could have got my neck, he could have taken my eye," Caren said.
Since Dallas county has no ordinance against aggressive and vicious dogs, the case was handed over to the environment health office!
(AW- Anil)