Mar 12, Wednesday

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Devops Training for Promising Career

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Devops Training for Promising Career
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DevOps (development and operations) is set of process/practices for an enterprise software development projects that facilitates collaboration between Development and IT Operations. This refers to a set of standards that streamline the activities of both software developers and information technology (IT) professionals while automating the process of continuous integration and software delivery. Hence process is automated. Why QA Tester need to learn DevOps in current trending job requirements? QA roles and responsibilities are Changing in the face of automation. DevOps is the next level of agile software development push that enables development and testing to take place continuously . So the role of tester is to push builds to production environment by way of doing continuous integration testing. DevOps teams provide necessary processes and tools needed to make deployment easier and at the same time ensure that changes are functioning as per user requirements. The role of QA is to prevent the bugs from happening than to detect bugs. Our Training Features: > One Time Pay - Life Time Access > 100% Job Oriented Training > Mock Interview Sessions > Resume Preparation > Job Support > Get Training from Real Time Industry Experts For more details: Call: 770 777 1269 Email:

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