‘Migrants Are Made to Drink out of Toilets at Texas Borders’: Ocasio Cortez Reveals AbuseTop Stories

July 02, 2019 20:31
‘Migrants Are Made to Drink out of Toilets at Texas Borders’: Ocasio Cortez Reveals Abuse

(Image source from: New York Daily News)

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the first-term Democratic Congresswoman took to Twitter and wrote about the ordeals the migrants entering the United States are going through after visiting the facility with other U.S. lawmakers on Monday.

In a tweet, she wrote that migrants are being held at border patrol station in Texas and their condition is so “horrifying”. She wrote that apart from the psychological abuse, they are subjected to, they are forced to drink out of toilets.   

Trump administration’s immigration policy was criticized all over the world after the tragic death of Salvadorian father-daughter duo after drowning in river trying to enter the U.S. through Mexico border.

The border patrol facility was toured by a delegation of Congressional Hispanic Caucus lawmakers after the reports from the government watchdog revealing that the immigrants were being kept in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions.

Cortez wrote it on Twitter after she visited El Paso main border patrol station where she saw women locked in cells without water and according to her, they were also told to drink out of toilets.

“After I forced myself into a cell with women and began speaking to them, one of them described their treatment at the hands of officers as "psychological warfare," she wrote. "This has been horrifying so far."

According to Reuters, however, it couldn’t independently confirm her account and neither did the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) which oversees the Border Patrol responded to the request by the Reuters to respond on her comments.

In May, the internal government watchdog had warned of “dangerous overcrowding” at the El Paso facility and the condition in which the immigrants were kept had become a flashpoint in recent weeks. In June, the alarms were raised by lawmakers about hundreds of children living in difficult inhuman conditions at another station in Clint, Texas.

Both facilities in Texas were visited on Monday.

By Sowmya Sangam

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